1. All of my friends and family are doing fine.
2. The weather is awesome (it's almost 70 degrees, bright sun shine and blue sky)
3. There is Center ice on Wrigley Field.
4. The Rose Parade was awesome as always.
5. Waiting for the Rose Bowl game, GO PENN STATE!
6. I can now play Guitar Hero in my own home.
7. I got Big A a really good Christmas present.
8. I got to sign up for the Rockin' Sock Club '09.
9. Basebal season is only 3 months and 5 days away (GO RED SOX!).
10. I'm looking forward to finishing my thesis and moving back to Boston.
We had a great Christmas it was just me an Big A, we had prime rib and Yorkshire pudding (and other stuff). Here are a few pictures.

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