Today the Mail Fairy was ever so nice to me.
First up
Sanguine Gryphon in Bugga which is a merino, nylon and cashmere blend. People are going crazy over this yarn. I mean so crazy that the traffic crashes her site and she had to get a new server. And while her site was being move she decided to have a Bugga lottery. I didn't get picked in the first lottery but I did get picked in the second (and I think final one). There were colorway choices that you could choose from, two skeins total max.
The first one is called Hogwood Bonking Beetle, it's a bit darker in real life. This was outside my normal color box but I like it and with a name like that how could I pass it up.

The second one is called Agre Moth, this is more green/blue/dark teal in real life, the saturation is amazing and I can't wait to see what it becomes.

The next thing that I opened was a trade that I made last week. The great thing about trading is that both people get what they want and I didn't have to spend more than shipping cost to the other person (even better). I scored two Peppermint Prince (PP) lace skeins from the Wollmeise update that I caught, I figured I would just trade one for one of the purples that I was lusting big time over. I put in the note section of my stash that I would trade for purple lace. I didn't think anyone would bite, but I got a PM asking if I would trade my PP for a skein of lace in Fliederbusch (which was my number one choice). So I mailed off my lace last week and this is what I got today. I'm so in love with this colorway it's not even funny. It's so hard to capture the true color of this yarn, it's a bit darker in real life.

The next thing that came was the last installment of the Wollmeise Sock Club. Which come to find out from the Wollmeise herself will be the first and last sock club. There was too much drama so she said she didn't want to do another one, which is sad but totally understandable. The last two colors are Blue Bells and True Love. I love Blue Bells, I'm not so sure about True Love, I will have to find the right pattern for it I think.
True Love is on the top and Blue Bells on the bottom.

And last but not least here is the latest installment of the Blue Moon Fiber Arts Rockin' Sock Club. The colorway is called Pepe Le Plume and the pattern is called Fraggle Squiggle Socks by JC Briar. It was inspired by the old cartoon Fraggle Rock, I thought that it was going to be much brighter but the colorway is interesting. I haven't casted on yet, and I don't know if I will right now. Here is a picture of Pepe La Plume: