We begin with a craft fair that was new to me. I went to the North Park Craft Mafia's Sunday Crafty Sunday event in North Park at Queen Bee's on October 17. It was nice to see a bunch of different crafts (not just fiber related). I would definitely go to another one of their events, it's great to support local crafters. If I have time in my crazy schedule I would love to go to their Holiday Hit List on December 5th.
Next up is a finished object, I finally finished my Sweet Pea socks. Since I've been knitting one sock in each pattern for the Blue Moon Rockin' Sock Club I haven't had to knit a second sock in the same pattern in a good long while, evidently I have been spoiled. Getting through this second sock was a bit of a battle, but I got finished the second one so that's all that matters. The border is knit in a "north to south" direction and was a bit fiddly but I think it was interesting.

Now for a little sock club update, I was lucky enough to be picked (by RNG, with less than a 4% chance) to be one of the newest members of the Gothsock sock club. I have a love for stripey socks that go way back and I'm always looking for yarn that will make awesome stripes. Earlier this year I found out about Gothsocks from my favorite board on Ravelry and ever since then I have been trying to get my hands on their yarn, but believe it or not it's a million times harder than getting Wollmeise (I know right?). The great thing about the club is once you are in, you are in the club until you don't want to be, which is great if you are in, but sucks if you want to be in the club. So I was super lucky and I'm in! The club is broken down into three month blocks, each three months there will be a non-stripe, a black stripe, and a non-black stripe. Steph (she is a one woman show, she dyes, sells, skeins, and is Gothsocks) has the best colors and names for her yarn, go look at her shop. So this is my first installment it's called The Homecoming Queen's Got A Gun. Now if you are a child of the 80's and loved Downtown Julie Brown (like me) you know the song. And the yarn as you can guess is, light pink, hot pink and black.

Second sock club update, Rockin' Sock Club September installment has arrived, and funny enough the color is almost an exact match to our new couch. It's called Pining for Ewe, it's a great semi-solid, in the picture it looks gray, but in real life it's much more of a pine green with gray undertones.

The two patterns are Buggin' Out by Stephen Houghton (our first guy designer) and EZ's Mocassin Socks with Twisted-Stitch Motifs by Elizabeth Zimmermann and Meg Swansen. I have already finished Buggin' Out (sorry the picture is dark but the color is much more correct).

EZ's sock is casted on but it's VERY complicated so I haven't had knitting time where I can concentrate and knit so it has sat for a bit. But hopefully I will get to it soon because I have kept up will all the socks this year (which is a first for me).
And since we started with a craft fair, we will end on a fiber festival. For three years straight ItSheknits and I have been going to the Southern California Handweavers' Guild "Weaving & Fiber Festival (WeFF) in Torrance. We always have a great time, we normally go up with our "OC Girls" but this year they were all busy. But this year our friend Wendy of Knitters Brewing Company
had an amazing booth. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of their booth, but trust me it was super cute and they did a great job. I tried to be good, I only bought 1 skein of sock yarn (and yes I did re-set my yarn counter on the right side of the blog) and I finally won an awesome skein of sock yarn at the raffle.
Here is the skein of Sweet Butter, it's so soft and amazing, it's wool, bamboo, and slik.

And here is the picture of the sock yarn I won, it's the perfect color for me (I love a blue-red) and the cool thing is it has a strand of real silver twisted in with it. And the crazy thing is the yarn is really soft and you can't even feel the silver. The yarn is from Twist, Yarns of Intrigue in Sparkle, it's merino wool, silk, nylon, and silver -- super cool, can't wait to find the perfect pattern for it!

So that about sums up what's be going on as far as knitting. There should be some more progress after Thanksgiving ItSheKnits and I (along with our husbands) are going camping for the holiday so you know there is going to be some serious knitting, cooking, and eating.