I finished my Flabella and Cascadia socks:

The next kit was My Wild Irish Girlie:

The first sock is Slip Jig by Carrie Sullivan and the second sock is Secret Garden by Janel Laidman.

I loved this pattern, it was a great little repeat and the cables are continued down the top and the sides of the foot. I want to knit this pattern again in another yarn.

I had a really hard time with this pattern, I have knit a Janel pattern before but for some reason the way the pattern was written and the way the way my brain is wired it was just ugly. I know some people had problems too, but other people didn't so it could just be me. Also I loved the little flower pattern on the leg.
The third installment was Sweet Pea:

When I first opened the package I swore that the yarn had no color but I think it might be one of the spirit colorways, there are subtle hints of peach and green in it, which you can see more easily when it's knit up. It's not a colorway I would have picked myself but I liked the way it knit up. I also really love the sock club because the color and pattern aren't up to me to it exposes me to things I wouldn't pick out myself.
I decided to knit socks in the same pattern since they were anklets, I choose to knit Ada Lovelace. I skipped this kit and came back to it, but I have finished one sock and I'm half way through the second.

This is not a pattern I would have picked out myself, but it's an interesting knit with cables on the heel, a lace pattern and the cuff is knit back and forth instead of around and around which was interesting and I learned something new so that was good.
The fourth kit is called Firecracker there were three patterns (and we got an extra skein of Sock Candy, mine is Granny Apple and an extra pattern for flip flop socks).

I love this colorway, it's my favorite so far, it's right in my color sweet spot. As soon as I got it I had to cast on right away.

The first sock is My ♥ Beets for you by Anne Hanson and the second sock is Dusty Corners by Linda Welch

You can't see it really well but there is a beet on the heel that the cables from the beet green pattern lines up perfectly into, super cute, love the pattern and Anne Hanson's patterns are always wonderful. I knit this sock in five days, I couldn't get enough of it. I will be knitting this sock again.

This was a great pattern to knit, I loved the zig-zag-ness of this pattern, it was great to knit and I knit this sock in three days, it was awesome, going to knit this again too.
So I think that's it for now. Thanks to ItSheKnits and her help with the Shipwreck Shawl of beaded doom (she helped me break down the 3 miles of beads into more manageable smaller pieces) I've picked it up again. It's going really slowly but it's awesome to pick up something that has been sitting since mid-February.