The woman I learned to knit from always told me to knit with the nicest stuff I could afford and that would work for my project. Great advice! And I have knit with some really nice yarn since I have become a knitter. There have been very few projects however that I can honestly say I never wanted to end because I like to have a finished project in the end. However I think I have found a yarn that I love knitting with the yarn and pattern so much I don't want it to end. I was lucky enough to get my hot little hands on some Molly and after swatching (and finding out from others that have knit it) that it acts more like a DK than a worsted weight yarn I knew I have to knit Kingscot with my Molly. Kingscot was designed by Norah Gaughan and released in the Winter 2008 Twist Collective (that same issue has also has Vivian which I HAVE to knit).
The only problem was I had 2 different orders of Molly from two different updates and they were so different it almost looked like a different colorway. I loved the dyelot of yarn that I got from FluffyKira (a Rav friend) in exchange for Wollmeise Lace. Thank the knitting gods from Ravelry because I found someone that bought yarn from the same update that Fluffy got her yarn from and she was more than happy to trade me my batch from her batch. Her batch matched mine a little better so I was excited but I knew I had to alternate skeins since they were different.
So I casted on and knitting with Molly has been nothing sort of a dream, I love it so much it's not even funny. It has awesome stitch definition, the color is gorgeous, and it's so easy to knit with, no joke.
Here is a picture of my progress so far, this is the back of the sweater. And I have been knitting on other things so I can make the Molly knitting last a bit longer. I finished three pairs of baby booties and finally finished that pair of house socks that have been waiting over a year for the other sock.