Here is a picture from the Hawaii vacation:

And during the 6 days I was home I also went to a workshop that Cat Borhdi was having at Common Threads to discuss her new sock methods, it was so much fun hanging out with Grape and ItShe all day in Encinitas knitting, trust me we had a great time.
One thing that hasn't changed is the lack of work on my thesis, I got so stressed out about it . . . it has sort of become this monster, but hopefully after my meeting with my Prof. on Monday I will at least have a plan of action, here's hoping.
Since I still have no idea where I am, what time zone I'm in or for that matter what city I live in (I mean San Diego verses Boston, sad I know), I will focus on knitting.
I have FINALLY finished socks for my mom (Socks that Rock in Lightweight Lucy, Jaywalkers) they are really cute and hope that she likes them. I also ordered her a mini sock blocker and I have already made her a mini sock out of the same yarn her big socks are made out of. Here is a picture:

I have also started another mystery project for her I started it while we were in Hawaii and I can't wait to give it to her. I will post about this when it gets a little farther along.
I got some great presents for Christmas this year and this is one of them. Let me introduce you to Sparkles the Peacock.

This is the perfect accessory to those that have the Knitcellaneous mini-sock blocker keychain, which ItShe got me for my birthday last year. The mini-socks were super addictive I never got around to knitting mini socks out of my left overs before but now I'm all caught up. These little sock were just what I needed, a small quick project to feel a large sense of accomplishment.
In total I made six socks from my left overs I had and then 2 more for thank you notes to ItShe and her parents for the awesome trip to Hawaii.

ItShe also got me very cool yarn it's part possum, can you believe it? It's very cool and I don't know what I'll do with it besides pet it (which I have been doing a lot of) but I will have to search Ravelry for a pattern. I also need to take a picture of it and post it and put in my Ravelry too.
That's all for now the next post will be the first Blue Moon Fiber Arts Rockin' Sock Club for '08 installment, and my mom's next present progress update.