So let's see . . . what I'm I working on right now? There are a few projects (as always) the first one is a pair of socks, Jaywalkers to be exact, knit on size 0, with Socks that Rock in Chapman Springs. Oh it sounds wonderful but it was a bit of a rough start. A little background about this project I always swatch (except when the size doesn't really matter like a scarf or a wrap) I had done some research to see what other people were saying about the compatibility of the pattern and Socks that Rock (which I LOVE). The word was that no one was having any issues, I was so excited (remember this later) that I casted on for a swatch, I swatched and I was waaaay off, so I dropped a needle size and I was really close (think about a half stitch)I was still a little nervous (you never know when that half stitch will come back to bite you) but I cast on and I was off. Then about 2 inches into it I convince myself that the sock will be too small, so I take it off the needles, rip it, and start again with the bigger needles, then I cast on again. Then about 1.5 inches into the new (read third try) sock I realize that it's WAY to big . . . sigh . . . try again (yes it's the fourth try). I went back to the smaller needles with the same yarn, cast on again and knit. The entire time I'm knitting I'm trying to figure out why I had to drop a needle size and the sock is knitting up really heavy and thick, not that that's bad it was just a bit perplexing, but I was getting into a rhythm so I wasn't really concerned but it was still bothering me. Days later ItShe and I were knitting in her office at lunch and she asked me what size needles I was knitting on, I said 1, she looked at me and ever so kindly said to me " I don't think those are 1's" of course they are 1's don't be silly I've been knitting these for almost a week, ItShe sort of shook her head and said "seriously I don't think so, here check them" she hands me a needle gauge and . . . . . what do you know they are zero's. Zero's! What the hell . . . how did that happen, of well they were fitting fine so I wasn't terribly worried, weeks later I realized that I was knitting with the medium weight . . . now it all makes sense, I had to drop a needle size because the yarn wasn't the right weight and why is that? Because I was going to cast on for Monkey Socks by CookieA with that yarn and then it wasn't the right color for the pattern and I was so excited to cast on for Jaywalkers and didn't switch the weight of the yarn because I was blinded by the Walkers.

The second thing on the needles is from No Sheep for You by the wonderful, talented and super funny Amy R. Singer of The book is wonderful, informational, and intersting (ItShe got it for me as part of my birthday present) the moment I saw Cable and O's I knew I had to make it. I love cables, any type, and I love non-crew neck sweaters but the problem is I don't normally like to knit with cotton. I ordered the yarn, Queensland Cotolino in the same pink that the pattern calls for and I must say even though it is cotton and linen I love it (picture from, from Interweave Press)
The third thing will have to wait for another day because the story is rather long and I have gone on long enough. I will try to post pictures I soon as I can but ItShe and her DH and me and my DH are going camping over the long weekend and we are leaving tomorrow (read lots of time in the wilderness to knit!)